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Maggie Aderin-Pocock

The Sky at Night: Book of the Moon – A Guide to Our Closest Neighbour

Winter Weekend 2018, 

The Moon has fascinated humankind since the beginning of history. But far from being just a big rock out in space, it has a phenomenal power over the Earth, with its ability to create great waves, dictate the length of the day and summon the seasons. In this unique celebration of the Moon, lunar expert and space scientist Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock takes readers on a journey through its past, present and future. She uncovers the way it has captured our imaginations, contemplates how it was formed, and explains why we need it to protect our fragile Earth. Drawing on the latest scientific research, she then looks forward – will we return to the Moon or will it become a launch-pad to go into the great unknown?