Event BQ

'Desde el Banquito' with Roberto Palacio

Living in the era of anxiety

Museo MAJA

Nowadays we define ourselves as stories, narratives that we only need to say out loud about ourselves and others must accept them as true. It seems that, above and beyond this, nothing solid or objectively true can determine us: I choose my gender, my desired pronouns, my ideological inclinations. However, I would like to be supported by others; the new forms of constructing my identity involve “likes” in virtual groups. And if the “like” never arrives? This is la era de la ansiedad, a time without utopias in which I am always waiting for a clue about myself. At this talk with Roberto Palacio we will deal with the intricate labyrinths that we have been led into by a world in which nothing seems to be any better than anything else… and the paths that are there for us to find meaning in all of it.

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'Desde el Banquito' with Roberto Palacio