Welcome to the Hay Festival Cartagena de Indias 2023 programme, to be held from 26 to 29 January. In this page you can find the events in the general programme as well as Hay Joven activities tor university audiences, Hay Comunitario sessions which will take place in different areas of Cartagena, Reading Clubs and Talento Editorial.
The tickets of the general programme and reading clubs are on sale for in person events. If you wish to register to see the live streaming of events, please select the option "Register to watch online" when this option is available. Hay Joven, Hay Comunitario and Talento Editorial are 100% in person and free of charge.
If you have any issues regarding the payment of your tickets, please contact us at tickets@hayfestival.org or at +57 317 516 55 13.
If you are a students a wish to request free tickets, you can write to us at estudiantes@hayfestival.com.
If you have any general questions, you can find us at contacto@hayfestival.org.
This event forms part of the Literary Pairs series run by Hay Festival and the British Council; as part of the initiative, each pair will repeat their conversation at the 2025 Hay-on-Wye Festival (Wales, United Kingdom). With Óscar Guardiola-Rivera (Colombia), a writer, philosopher, lecturer in Law and Human Rights at Birkbeck (University of London), and author of Si Latinoamérica gobernase el mundo, in which Guardiola reflects on the development of European capitalism, built based on flows of money from Mexico and the Andean silver mine of Potosi, looking in depth at the recent history of the development economies of Latin American and the Caribbean. His most recent book is Under the World. In conversation with Camila Osorio.
Simultaneous interpretation from English to Spanish available
All Sunday 2 February events will be free for people from the department of Bolívar. Complimentary tickets can be requested at the box office of the Hay Festival (Centro de Convenciones) showing your ID, between 27 Janaury and 2 February.
With Colombian sign language interpretation
This year we celebrate 20 years in Colombia: two decades of conversations, debates, questions, music, film, photography and books. Through the voices of some of the festival’s most iconic guests, as well as those who make this great festival of ideas possible, we mark the date and wish a long life to the Hay Festival in Colombia through this special documentary.
Duration: 1 hour, 23 minutes
Direction: Gustavo Gordillo
With Colombian sign language interpretation
This conversation is a tribute to Jorge Velosa (Colombia) is a poet, minstrel, researcher, actor and popular artist, whose songs have become a unique musical genre, rooted in the stories of the farmers of Boyacá. The master José Ricardo Bautista Pamplona, winner of the Festival Mono Núñez Prize for best Musical Duet. In conversation with Daniel Samper Pizano, the event will include a short concert.
All Sunday 2 February events will be free for people from the department of Bolívar. Complimentary tickets can be requested at the box office of the Hay Festival (Centro de Convenciones) showing your ID, between 27 Janaury and 2 February.
Sponsored by Fundación BAT
Yomi Adegoke (UK) is a multi-award-winning journalist and author. She is currently a columnist at the Guardian and British Vogue. She’s written for the Sunday Times, the Independent, Stylist, and the New Statesman, among others, and in 2018, she cowrote the bestselling book Slay in Your Lane and in the same year was named one of the most influential people in London by the Evening Standard. She was named in 2021 one of Forbes 30 under 30. She speaks with Jonathan Levi about her last book, The List.
Simultaneous interpretation available from English to Spanish
All Sunday 2 February events will be free for people from the department of Bolívar. Complimentary tickets can be requested at the box office of the Hay Festival (Centro de Convenciones) showing your ID, between 27 Janaury and 2 February.
With the support of the British Council
Susan Neiman (United States) is an outstanding philosopher and writer known for her contributions in the fields of moral philosophy, the Enlightenment, metaphysics and politics. Educated at Harvard, Neiman has taught at Yale and the University of Tel Aviv, and, since 2000 has directed the Einstein Forum in Potsdam, Germany. Her new book, Left Is Not Woke, is a critical examination of the distinction between the principles of the left and the phenomenon sometimes known as woke, arguing that the true spirit of the left is based on universalism, justice and the possibility of progress, values that she considers have been distorted by some contemporary currents which prioritise tribal identities, tending towards conservatism. In conversation with Iván Luzardo Luna.
Wolfram Eilenberger (Germany) is a philosopher, journalist and writer. His passion is the application of philosophical ideas in everyday life, whether politics, culture or sport. Founding Editor of Philosophie Magazin, he has published Time of the Magicians. The Invention of Modern Thought 1919-1929, and now presents Geister der Gegenwart, an exploration of the thought of Theodor W. Adorno, Susan Sontag, Michel Foucault and Paul Feyerabend. The book follows the path of a set of ideas that are essential for our times: from dismantling the myth of blind faith, to the progress of conspiracy theories; from sexual liberation to the most reductionist wokeness. In conversation with Daniela Pabón.