Hay Festival Cartagena 2023

Welcome to the Hay Festival Cartagena de Indias 2023 programme, to be held from 26 to 29 January. In this page you can find the events in the general programme as well as Hay Joven activities tor university audiences, Hay Comunitario sessions which will take place in different areas of Cartagena, Reading Clubs and Talento Editorial.

The tickets of the general programme and reading clubs are on sale for in person events. If you wish to register to see the live streaming of events, please select the option "Register to watch online" when this option is available. Hay Joven, Hay Comunitario and Talento Editorial are 100% in person and free of charge.

If you have any issues regarding the payment of your tickets, please contact us at tickets@hayfestival.org or at +57 317 516 55 13.

If you are a students a wish to request free tickets, you can write to us at estudiantes@hayfestival.com.

If you have any general questions, you can find us at contacto@hayfestival.org.

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Event 22

Lecture by Arnoldo Kraus

Euthanasia and assisted suicide

 Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española (Salón del Rey)
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In 2023, given the vast advances that have taken place in medical biotechnology, euthanasia and assisted suicide are issues that deserve to be discussed publically. Arnoldo Kraus (Mexico) is a Professor of Medicine and an expert in bioethics, sometimes called a “student of the soul”. He tackles this difficult and controversial matter, one that requires thinking, and talking to others, about death. He will reflect on concepts such as dignity, autonomy, anticipatory instructions, terminal patients, religious fanaticisms, the limits of life and medicine, biotechnology used suitably, or not… terms that need to be reflected on, both as individuals and as a society and a State. Kraus is the author of titles such as Decir adiós, decirse adiós; Una lectura de la vida; Dolor de uno, dolor de todos; La morada infinita. Entender la vida, pensar la muerte; Recordar a los difuntos; Cuando la muerte se aproxima and Una receta para no morir. Cartas a un joven médico. In his last book, Adiós, Glinka, Kraus writes for children about dealing with the loss of a pet, a creature that for many of us is another member of the family.
This event has taken place
Lecture by Arnoldo Kraus

Event 83

Roy Barreras in conversation with Andrea Bernal

Dances with death

 Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española (patio)
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Through his book Bailando con la muerte (Dancing with Death), doctor and politician Roy Barreras (Colombia) will share his experience on treating and curing his own cancer. Barreras has written this book with the aim of providing support to all those who have faced cancer, as well as to the families of patients who have suffered from this challenging disease. His work represents a clear invitation to face the most primordial ancestral fear of all human beings, which is the fear of dying, transforming it into the pleasure of living with a purpose. In conversation with Andrea Bernal.

All Sunday events will be free for people who has an ID expeded in the Bolívar Department. You must request their courtesy tickets at the box office of the Hay Festival (CCCI) showing your ID, between 22 and 28 of January.

This event has taken place
Roy Barreras in conversation with Andrea Bernal

Event HJ29

Lecture by Arnoldo Kraus in conversation with Hernando Baquero and Silvia Aguilera

 Salón Gabriel García Márquez - Universidad del Norte (Barranquilla)
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In 2023, given the vast advances that have taken place in medical biotechnology, euthanasia and assisted suicide are issues that deserve to be discussed publically. Arnoldo Kraus (Mexico) is a Professor of Medicine and an expert in bioethics, sometimes called a “student of the soul”. He tackles this difficult and controversial matter, one that requires thinking, and talking to others, about death. He will reflect on concepts such as dignity, autonomy, anticipatory instructions, terminal patients, religious fanaticisms, the limits of life and medicine, biotechnology used suitably, or not… terms that need to be reflected on, both as individuals and as a society and a State. Kraus is the author of titles such as Decir adiós, decirse adiós; Una lectura de la vida; Dolor de uno, dolor de todos; La morada infinita. Entender la vida, pensar la muerte; Recordar a los difuntos; Cuando la muerte se aproxima and Una receta para no morir. Cartas a un joven médico. In his last book, Adiós, Glinka, Kraus writes for children about dealing with the loss of a pet, a creature that for many of us is another member of the family. In conversation with the Doctor and professor of the Department of Medicine, Hernando Baquero and the surgeon specializing in clinical bioethics and epidemiology Silvia Aguilera.
This event has taken place
Lecture by Arnoldo Kraus in conversation with Hernando Baquero and Silvia Aguilera

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