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Event 6
Felipe Restrepo Pombo, Philippe Sands and Gabriela Wiener in conversation with Cristina Fuentes
Explorers, dreamers and thieves
Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (teatro)
In 2022, Hay Festival and the British Museum came together to organise the anthology Volver a contar: Escritores de América Latina en los archivos del Museo Británico, for which a group of ten writers examined narratives about the past through a collection of Latin American objects in the museum never seen in public before. In 2023 we presented the anthology Exploradores, soñadores y ladrones, in which six authors looked at the museum’s collections in order to create new compilation of texts that question and reimagine the predominant narratives. With Felipe Restrepo Pombo (Colombia), Philippe Sands(United Kingdom) and Gabriela Wiener (Peru), in conversation with Cristina Fuentes La Roche (Spain).
Simultaneous translation from English to Spanish available
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Sponsored by Cerro Verde and with the support of British Council
Abdulrazak Gurnah, Astrid Madimba, Natalia Sobrevilla and Chinny Ukata in conversation with Farid Kahhat
South to south conversations: decolonizing in order to see the world
Teatro Municipal
Are we at the end of decolonisation processes, or are these structures present throughout the world order? At this event, we talk to Abdulrazak Gurnah (Tanzania/United Kingdom), Chinny Ukata(Nigeria/United Kingdom), Astrid Madimba (Congo/United Kingdom) and Natalia Sobrevilla (Peru) about the long shadow of colonialism and how the long task of decolonisation is to be carried out, from the positioning of non-hegemonic narratives to countries’ legal and devolution processes. In conversation with Farid Kahhat.
Simultaneous translation from English to Spanish available
Randa Jarrar, Hari Kunzru and Karima Ziali in conversation with Karina Pacheco
Identity and diaspora in literature
Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (teatro)
Literary figures who question their own identity, or who seek their own space. The reality of migration, exile and the diaspora are great parts of life and great themes in literature. Karina Pachecotalks to the Palestinian-US writer Randa Jarrar, the Moroccan-Spanish writer Karima Ziali and the British writer with a partly Indian background, Hari Kunzru, about their works, their literary explorations and how these themes of displacement, migration and diaspora have affected their literature.
Simultaneous translation from English to Spanish available
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With the support of British Council, Acción Cultural Española, AC/E and Casa Árabe
At this dynamic event, we will listen to a storyteller, reflect on new ideas, and send good wishes to the characters in this story. La niña que tejía sonrisas is a book that deals with the lives of migrant families, the reasons they leave their place of origin, and how they integrate into a new culture. With the help of kamishibai –a Japanese storytelling technique that uses paper, pencils, postcards and a lot of creativity to create a play– we will connect with Ema, Nifá and many other new friends.
Ages 4 to 10
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With the support of the OIM, UNESCO, PRM and the UK Embassy in Lima