Event 2


Free Voices: Climate Change

Venue: Aula Magna, Campus de Santa Cruz La Real–IE University

Free voices: in the coming years, humanity will have to face up one of its biggest challenges: climate change. What is the reality of our current situation? What solutions are there? Who should lead the struggle? EL PAÍS invites The Guardian’s James Randerson, along with Teresa Ribera, a Spanish former secretary of state for climate change, and Samantha Smith of the WWF and Leicht Alexander of Unesco to discuss the many questions raised by climate change. Moderated by EL PAÍS journalist Manuel Planelles. 

The theme about the climate change will be introduced by Embassador of United Kingdom in Spain, Simon Manley, the President of IE University, Santiago Iñiguez and the president of Renfe, Pablo Vazquez.

Visit to “Building the knowledge” of the architect Anupama Kundoo at Jardines del Campus de Santa Cruz La Real-IE University. The exposition is produced by Solán de Cabra.

8.30pm •  Opening of Casa Árabe at La Alhóndiga

The opening ends at La Alhóndiga with the exhibition at Casa Árabe entitled Reed Pens and Vignettes: Arab Comic Art in Motion.
Casa Árabe has organised a series of events reflecting the cultural diversity of the Arab-Muslim world: music, poetry, comic art, calligraphy, film and more. Casa Árabe has been permanently based in both Madrid and Córdoba since 2006. During the Hay Festival weekend, Segovia becomes the third Casa Árabe location in Spain.

"Gospel ladies " from Escuela de Música Creativa will perform.

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