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Diane Reay, Alex Beard, Margaret White

Every Child: Access, Miseducation

Hay Festival 2018, 

What constitutes a good education? Why are less advantaged children still faring so much worse than more affluent pupils? And what we can do to achieve a fairer system? Diane Reay, author of Miseducation, grew up in a working class, coal mining community before becoming an inner city, primary school teacher for 20 years. She is now emeritus Professor of Education at the University of Cambridge and visiting Professor of Sociology at the LSE. In his Natural Born Learners the Teach for All pioneer Alex Beard leads us from the crowded corridors of a London comprehensive to the high-tech halls of Silicon Valley, through the exam factories of South Korea and the inclusive classrooms of Finland to reveal that today we stand on the cusp of a learning revolution. Margaret White has distilled a lifetime of teaching experience into A Good Education – a study that keeps the individual child at the heart of the discussion, focusing on every pupil’s worth, identity, interactions and development. Chaired by Dylan Moore, Creative Wales Hay Festival International Fellow / Cymrawd Rhyngwladol Cymru Greadigol – Gwyl y Gelli for 2018.