Event 11

Indhira Serrano in conversation with Juan Mosquera Restrepo

Reconstructing Imaginaries

Teatro Santamaría de Jericó

From her experiences of racism and inequality, Indhira Serrano (Colombia) will talk with Juan Mosquera Restrepo about how to overcome exclusionary imaginaries for racialized people, launching a message of self-acceptance, respect for differences and pride in Afro-Latino heritage. Serrano was a model, which gave her an insider's view of how the media influences people's self-perception. In addition, since 2015 she has been developing a series of conferences and workshops entitled Reconstruyendo imaginarios (Reconstructing Imaginaries), where she reflects on the relationships we have with money, education, our partner and power.

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Comercio, Industria y Turismo
Fontur Colombia