Event HF5


Venue: Jardín Guerrero

CaminaLee is an initiative that organizes walks aimed at connecting your feet and your brain, letting you listen to stories, characters, history, legends and adventures, all from a different perspective. Connecting with your imagination and your inner wisdom while you walk, feeling what you see. Walking but also reading to visit other worlds, fantastic worlds that you were not aware of, worlds where you can learn about the past, the present and the future. With CaminaLee, we will go out and tour iconic locations in the old quarter, finding the most important sites, monuments and churches, as well as some of the historical legends of the city. An explanation will be given about each of them, including the Teatro de la Ciudad, the Guerrero Gardens, the Palacio Municipal, the Church of Santa Clara, the Fountain of Neptune, the Casa de la Marquesa, the Camino Real de Tierra Adentro route and many other places, sharing the legends of La Carambada, El Marquéz de la Villa del Villar del Águila, La Zacatenaca, among others, with rest stops and discussion of historical figures and the chance to draw them too.

To participate in this activity, please click here to fill in the registration form

Every child must be accompanied by an adult

Ages 6 to 10
This event has taken place

Principal Sponsor

Poder Ejecutivo del Estado de Querétaro
Querétaro Juntos, Adelante
Querétaro y Entonces, encontré México
Querétaro Municipio
Querétaro La Ciudad que queremos

Partner for Latin America
