Ayisha Osori has over 20 years of experience across the private, development and non-profit sectors in the areas of business development, regulation and compliance, general management, democracy and good governance, gender equality, inclusion and human rights. She is currently a Director in Open Society Foundations Ideas Workshop. Between 2018 and 2021, she was Executive Director for Open Society Initiative for West Africa where she built on the organization’s legacy of enabling grant making in 12 West African countries, led the restructuring of its operations and strengthened the culture of communications and advocacy. She was the CEO of the Nigeran Women’s’ Trust Fund between 2012-2015, she has written multiple articles on governance and is frequently quoted in the media including Al-Jazeerah, the Financial Times and New York Times. She is the author of several books, including Love Does Not Win Elections, which chronicles her experience with elective politics in Nigeria. She is a graduate of the University of Lagos, Harvard Law School and Harvard Kennedy School.