Event 73

Julia Navarro in conversation with Óscar López


Venue: San Juan de los Caballeros

Historia de un canalla (A scoundrel’s story) explores the ambition, greed, and selfishness of humans. Julia Navarro talks about her latest novel with journalist Óscar López, presenter of state broadcaster TVE’s Página Dos book program. Publicist Thomas Spencer says he has no regrets, but asks what the life he didn't choose to live would have been like. In an audacious change of tone, this Spanish-language best-seller recreates the corrupt world of advertising in London and New York in the 1980s and 1990s. Presented by the poet Mar Sancho, currently the General Director for Cultural Policies at the regional government of Castilla and León.

In Spanish.

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Julia Navarro in conversation with Óscar López