Elin Williams took part in the Beacons Project at Hay Festival Winter Weekend 2021. The Beacons Project aims to encourage creativity and forge a sense of creative identity amongst young people in Wales. It offers a unique opportunity for twenty Welsh students aged 16-18 to meet and work with exceptional writers, broadcasters and journalists in a highly creative and stimulating environment during Hay Festival.
Farewell Poem
So here we are,
Dear friends
Writers and artist alike
A bond so deep,
we wade up to our knees
Thanks to some small festival site
The fellow dreamers I fell in love with
The people I have claimed as my own
My flock
My family
My people
And all too soon,
Wrenched from the warmth of your light
Forced to the ends of the earth
Or Wales
Back to our lonely bookshelves
And though my tears are falling
And though my pain is raw
We must keep on writing
Keep the memory of what’s in store
I shall always remember the wonders
The simple things, pisslords and all
And to you, my friends, my beacons,
Keep writing
And keep shining tall.
Thanks to Welsh Government for funding the Beacons Project and to Bad Wolf and Screen Alliance Wales for their partnership in creating Jack Thorne's workshop. And finally, thanks to Booths Bookshop for allowing us to film Owen Sheers on location.