Hay Festival Segovia 2022

Browse the programme of the seventeenth edition of Hay Festival Segovia. From September 15 to 18, 2022, we will have lots of events, including English-speaking authors. For the second year in a row there will be a series of previous events in various venues in the region, to celebrate the heritage of Castilla y León. All events will be in-person, respecting the security protocols. More information here.


Event 11

The Berlin Wall Comes Down

Interactive installation

Venue: Plaza Mayor de Segovia
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2024 is a significant year for Europe, with the EU Parliament elections last June and the 35th anniversary commemoration of the fall of the Berlin Wall in the autumn. The Hay Festival Segovia comes together with the Goethe-Institut Madrid and the German Embassy in Madrid to weave these events into a project celebrating the ideas of cooperation and, especially, of being united in our plurality. The interactive art installation invites passers-by to take part in this diversity by removing one of the six thousand wooden blocks engraved with quotes by some of the greatest European thinkers. As the blocks with their quotes disappear, so will the wall.

Free admision

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