Event 71

Leons Briedis in conversation with Máximo Higuera


Venue: Biblioteca Municipal Casa de la Lectura, Sala Roja

In commemoration of Latvia’s 100 years of Independence, Mrs. Argita Daudze, the Latvian Ambassador in Spain, presents the Latvian writer Leons Briedis, whose poetry selection El Mensajero Tardío has been published this year. Briedis is recognized as one of the most prolific poets, literary critic, publisher and translator in Latvia. He talks with Maximo Higuera, publisher of Ay del seis, about his literary career, his relation with the Spanish language, his translations and his poetic world. Followed by a reading of his poems in Latvian by the author and in Spanish by the translator Raquel Garcia Barobs.

Event in Latvian and Spanish
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