Event HC11

Beatriz Helena Robledo

A festival of riddles

Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española (biblioteca)
Beatriz Helena Robledo studied Spanish and Latin American Literature and lectured in Children’s Literature at the Universidad Javeriana. She has contributed to numerous anthologies of short stories and poetry, has been on the juries of children’s literature prizes such as the Iberoamericano Prize for Child and Young Adult Literature, the Casa de las Américas Prize for Literature for Children and Young People, and the RCN-Ministry of Education National Short Story Prize. Her books include Así somos. Tradiciones de Colombia; El otro Simón, an illustrated book about Simón Bolívar; Flores blancas para papá, a young adult novel; and various biographies: Rafael Pombo, la vida de un poeta; María Cano, la Virgen Roja; ¡Viva la Pola! and Teresita Gómez. Música, toda una vida. She currently runs the Consultorio Lector, a personalised attention programme for reading, writing and literature. On this occasion, Robledo presents a festival of riddles at which participants will join in, in groups, to try to answer the others’ conundrums.
This event has taken place
Beatriz Helena Robledo
Distrito de Cartagena de Indias, Secretaria de Turismo, IPCC Cartagena de Indias
Gobernacion de Bolivar
Embajada Británica
Comercio, Industria y Turismo
Fontur Colombia