Event HJ24

Screening of the documentary film Somos el barrio

Universidad de Cartagena, Claustro de San Agustín (Aula Máxima de Derecho)
Menchaca, Mujeres Independientes and San José El Alto, in the Epigmenio González Delegation, are neighborhoods in the Municipality of Querétaro (Mexico), which shelter the life stories of four young people from that area. This documentary approaches the reality of José María González Flores, “Chema”, of the “PQ́s” (Los pequeños) clique of “SanJo”, rapper and ex-convict; David Miranda Hernández, “DMH”, leader of the “DH” (Dejando Historia) gang; Everardo Mata Paredes, tattoo artist and artist belonging to the “ILCK” (Ilícitos Criminales), known as “Peluzín”; and Abigail León Pérez, “La Macho”, from the clique “LPRM” (La Princi Rompiendo Madres), who has been away from her parents since she was 15, and whose dream is to turn her talent in screen printing into a way of life. Let's look through the window and learn what moves and what stops the neighborhood, the street, and those who live there. A production of the Municipality of Querétaro (directed by Omar González Bustos; original idea by Dante Aguilar; Executive production by the Municipality of Querétaro, Dante Aguilar; produced by Martha Zamora).

Screening time: 120 minutes
This event has taken place
Screening of the documentary film Somos el barrio
Distrito de Cartagena de Indias, Secretaria de Turismo, IPCC Cartagena de Indias
Gobernacion de Bolivar
Funded by UK Government
Comercio, Industria y Turismo
Fontur Colombia