About us

Hay Festival Arequipa promotes culture and social responsibility.

Hay Festival is a cultural event accessible to everyone. It celebrates art and science through inclusive events with international artists.

Literature, visual arts, cinema, music, geopolitics, journalism, the environment... all go together with dialogue and celebration. Hay Festival Arequipa 2023 was our nineth edition.

Our programme included debates and 'in conversation' events, workshops, concerts and lectures with international experts in the fields of literature, visual arts, science, environment, cinema, music, human rights, journalism and more. The festival always creates a space for the best cultural and scientific productions, and a dedicated space for dialogue, critical thinking and the exchange of ideas.

  • The festival stands as one of the most important cultural events of the Hispanic world
  • Promotion of both local and international literature, debate, cultural exchange, education and development
  • Accessible and inclusive events with international artists
  • Social responsibility and education
  • Partnerships with institutions, private and public enterprises, local and international companies, in order to maximize the impact of our model and to secure its accessibility for the local population.

Staff 2024

Hay Festival Global International DirectorCristina Fuentes La Roche 
Development & Communications DirectorÁngela Delgado Valdivia
Hay Festival International Coordinator, Izara García Rodríguez
Authors Coordinator, Zoe Romero Miranda
Digital content CoordinatorIñaki Lasa Etura
General Production, María Luisa Rodríguez Crispín
Education Coordinator, Sheila Hall Peña
Graphic Design, Rosa Cruz León
Image & Design Coordinator, Verónica Gil Álvarez
Press & CommunicationCarla Cruzado, José Japa, Gabriela Alosilla, Gabriela Calle, Claudia Florian, Brandon Vásquez.
Coordinator Assistants
, Berta Bragado, Marcela Mastroianni, Daniella Paredes Johnson
Social media, Junkie Media: Jimena Calderón, Gisell González, Diana Gutiérrez, Ignacio Hipólito, Carlos Millet, Luis Alberto Pérez
Photographer, Daniel Mordzinski, Denis Mayhua y Gea Stories Fotografía
Audiovisual production, Vía Expresa Cine y Video. Miguel Barreda Delgado
Sound, Javier Salinas
Streaming, Macanudo Marketing SAC
Sound Technical Coordinator, César Fuentes
Hay Festival Comunitario Coordinator, Doris Zuzunaga Valdivia
Production Coordinators, Laura Zolezzi, Mariana Sánchez y Jaime Rodríguez
Logistics Coordinators, Yesenia Chura Quispe, Marco Fonseca y Tatiana Huerta
Social Activities Coordinator, Faviana Deglane
Hay Festival Forum Moquegua, Ximena Ruiz-Rosas
Moquegua Coordinator, Gisella Ccama Velásquez
Transport Coordinator, Patricia Deza
Financial Advisor, Ángela Ojeda
Digital Content ProductorAlejandra Díaz
Translator, David Hosking
Web Page, Paul Richardson

Hay Festival Global Foundation CEO: Julie Finch. Hay Festival Trustees: Caroline Michel (Chair), Dylan Jones, Rosie Boycott, Nick Gowing Jonathan Godfrey, Geraint Davies, Philippe Sands, Terry Burns, Mair Gwynant, Victoria Bejarano.

Hay Festival Arequipa Vicepresidents: Alonso Ruiz-Rosas Cateriano, Hernando Torres-Fernández

Hosts and Volunteers Coordination, Lissette Valdivia. Thank you to all the volunteers.

Asociación Civil Hay Festival Perú
Inscrita con Partida Registral: 11402988 entidad Perceptora de Donaciones según Resolución de Intendencia N° 0590050004512
Presidente: Ronald Otto Fernández
Secretaria: Cristina Fuentes La Roche
Tesorera: Morgana Vargas Llosa

Watch the film: Hay Festival Arequipa

Partner for Latin America


Principal Sponsors

Fundación BBVA Continental

Government Partner

Arequipa Gobierno Regional