Event 36

Readings in the garden: our own and others

Venue: Jardín Romeral de San Marcos

Thirteen editions of this event have combined poetry with the beauty of the Romeral de San Marcos, the splendid garden that the landscape architect Leandro Silva left as a legacy to the city of Segovia and which every year opens for the Hay Festival to take in the best poetry of all time. On this occasion, participants will read their own poems or those of their favourite authors. With Orlando Mondragón, winner of the Fundación Loewe International Poetry Award, Japanesse ambassadors, Kenji and Patricia Hiramatsu; Carlos Hernández-La Hoz, cultural advisor; Belén Ferrier, artisan, Hanan Issa, writer, poet and artist from Wales and 2022/23 Cymrawd Rhyngwladol Hay Festival / Hay Festival International Fellow, Julia Casaravilla, owner of the Garden Romeral de San Marcos, the MP of the Congress of Deputies of Spain José Luis Aceves and Caroline Michel, president of Hay Festivals.

The writer José Felix Valdivieso will be the master of ceremonies for another year.

Readings in English, Spanish, Japanese and French.

If it rains, the event will be at the same time at La Alhóndiga. Escenario Gales - Llywfan Cymru

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