Event HC17

Velia Vidal

Biblioteca Popular de Playa Blanca
In 2022, the writer, cultural manager and reading promotor Velia Vidal was named as one of the world’s 100 most influential women by the BBC. This Colombian from Chocó is the founder and Director of the Motete Cultural and Educational Corporation which works to promote reading and culture in her region. With her first book, Aguas de estuario, the author tells of her personal return to her homeland to dedicate her life to offering reading support and cultural management, how the tensions between the centre and the periphery in a country like Colombia have defined much of this journey, and her struggle to dissolve these divisions. Her most recent publication, Para vernos mejor, is a reflection on representation in children’s literature, which questions a system that continues to privilege hegemonic discourses. The author proposes, with experiences and examples, a way of building more diverse role models.
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Velia Vidal
Fontur Colombia
Colombia el Pais de la Belleza