Event 24

Luis García Montero and Alonso Ruiz Rosas in conversation with Verónica Ramírez

Cultural fusions

Venue: Teatro Arequepay
Ever since the Inca Garcilaso said, over four centuries ago, that he was a mestizo and proud to be so, much has been written, said and discussed regarding the exciting and often dramatic processes of mixing cultures, something that characterises a large section of Latin American society. Two poets, one Spanish and the other Peruvian, discuss this matter, together with the moderator, the Peruvian writer and journalist Verónica Ramírez. Luis García Montero is a poet, professor at the University of Granada and current Director of the Instituto Cervantes. His most recent poetry book is Un año y tres meses. Alonso Ruiz Rosas has published a poetry book, Contra el Leteo (2023), and is the former Director of the Inca Garcilaso Cultural Centre. The novel by Verónica Ramírez, Casi todo desaparece, has just been republished in Spain.
Price: S/10.00 (PEN)
Luis García Montero and Alonso Ruiz Rosas in conversation with Verónica Ramírez
Luis García Montero and Alonso Ruiz Rosas in conversation with Verónica Ramírez

Partner for Latin America


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Fundación BBVA Continental

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Arequipa Gobierno Regional