Hay Festival Cartagena 2023

Welcome to the Hay Festival Cartagena de Indias 2023 programme, to be held from 26 to 29 January. In this page you can find the events in the general programme as well as Hay Joven activities tor university audiences, Hay Comunitario sessions which will take place in different areas of Cartagena, Reading Clubs and Talento Editorial.

The tickets of the general programme and reading clubs are on sale for in person events. If you wish to register to see the live streaming of events, please select the option "Register to watch online" when this option is available. Hay Joven, Hay Comunitario and Talento Editorial are 100% in person and free of charge.

If you have any issues regarding the payment of your tickets, please contact us at tickets@hayfestival.org or at +57 317 516 55 13.

If you are a students a wish to request free tickets, you can write to us at estudiantes@hayfestival.com.

If you have any general questions, you can find us at contacto@hayfestival.org.

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Event 32

Manuel Rodríguez Becerra in conversation with Ricardo Corredor Cure

The environmental future of Colombia

 Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española (Salón del Rey)
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A country with the biodiversity of Colombia, which has within its borders ecosystems that are important to the survival of us all, including the Amazon, the Andean range and the Sierra Nevada, faces serious challenges with regard to the climate emergency and the increase in global temperatures. The University of the Andes lecturer, politician and environmentalist, Manuel Rodríguez Becerra (Colombia), is the author of numerous books, including Colombia y sus bosques, and the recent El futuro ambiental de Colombia; Becerra will talk to Ricardo Corredor Cure about the significant steps regarding environmental care taken over the course of the last decade, including the strengthening of institutions that care for biodiversity and the construction of political will.

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Manuel Rodríguez Becerra in conversation with Ricardo Corredor Cure

Event 45

Eliane Brum in conversation with Erna von der Walde

 Teatro Adolfo Mejía
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The award-winning journalist, writer and documentary-maker, Eliane Brum (Brazil), lives and works in Altamira, in the Amazon rainforest. She has received around 40 journalism prizes. She writes for Spain’s El País and is the author of La Amazonia: viaje al centro del mundo (2024), a book that narrates her move from Sao Paulo to Altamira, a city where the construction of one of the world’s largest (and most ecologically devastating) dams is taking place. She writes about the negligence and corruption that is changing the face of the Amazon. In conversation with Erna von der Walde.

Simultaneous translation from Portuguese to Spanish available

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Eliane Brum in conversation with Erna von der Walde

Event 48

Brigitte Baptiste, Eliane Brum, Philippe Sands and Rebecca Solnit in conversation with Inés Santaeulalia

Ecocide and the struggle to save biodiversity

 Centro de Convenciones (Auditorio Getsemaní)
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Four experts from different fields will talk to Inés Santaeulalia about the urgency of preserving the planet’s biological diversity. Brigitte Baptiste (Colombia) is one of Colombia’s most eminent scientists, and is an expert in matters of the environment and biodiversity. Eliane Brum (Brazil), is a Brazilian journalist and author of La Amazonia: viaje al centro del mundo (2024); Philippe Sands (France/UK), a distinguished human rights lawyer, is currently working to create international legislation against ecocide; Rebecca Solnit (United States) has received a prestigious Guggenheim Fellowship and a National Book Critics’ Circle Award and is the wide-ranging author of over 20 books. Her most recent title is Whose Story Is This?.

Simultaneous translation from English to Spanish available

This event has taken place
Brigitte Baptiste, Eliane Brum, Philippe Sands and Rebecca Solnit in conversation with Inés Santaeulalia

Event 62

Brigitte Baptiste and Diana Calderón in conversation with Margarita Valencia

 Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española (Salón del Rey)
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Brigitte Baptiste is one of Colombia’s most eminent scientists, an expert on the environment and biodiversity. She studied Biology at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, did a Master’s in Tropical Conservation and Development, and has a doctorate in Environmental Management from the Instituto Universitario de la Paz. She was the Head of the Alexander von Humboldt Biological Resource Research Institute, and is currently the Rector of the EAN University. In conversation with Diana Calderón, both present El mundo según Brigitte, a book that offers us a portrait of Brigitte Luis Guillermo Baptiste, who has raised her voice again and again, becoming a global figure in relation to some of the most urgent matters of our times: sustainability, education, left- and right-wing regimes, and the struggle for equality. They will talk to Margarita Valencia.

This event has taken place
Brigitte Baptiste and Diana Calderón in conversation with Margarita Valencia

Event 64

Wade Davis in conversation with Philipp Blom

 Centro de Convenciones (Salón Barahona)
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Wade Davis is one of the most intrepid explorers of our times. He was Explorer-in-Residence with the National Geographic Society from 2000 to 2013. He is an ethnographer, photographer, filmmaker and Professor of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia. He is the author of 23 books, including Magdalena (about his journey along the great Colombian river) and One River. His expeditions have taken him to some of the most remote regions of the planet, from Tibet to Polynesia, from the Arctic Circle to the Amazon, and from the heart of Australia to the Isthmus of Darien. He will talk to Philipp Blom.

Simultaneous translation from English to Spanish available

All Sunday events will be free for people who has an ID expeded in the Bolívar Department. You must request their courtesy tickets at the box office of the Hay Festival (CCCI) showing your ID, between 22 and 28 of January.

This event has taken place
Wade Davis in conversation with Philipp Blom

Event 70

Eliane Brum, William Neuman and Cristina Vollmer de Burelli in conversation with Sergio Dahbar

The Amazon devastated

 Teatro Adolfo Mejía
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Different crimes are attacking one of the planet’s most important lungs. Mercury poisoning, heath crises, the degradation of ecosystems, illegal commerce, human rights violations, aggressions against indigenous communities… Cristina Vollmer de Burelli, the Venezuelan activist, Director of SOS Orinoco; Eliane Brum, Brazilian journalist and author of La Amazonía: viaje al centro del mundo (2024); and William Neuman, New York Times correspondent in Venezuela and author of Todo se puede poner peor (an investigation into the disastrous consequences of the government’s Arco Minero project in southern Venezuela), will together talk to Sergio Dahbar.

Simultaneous translation from Portuguese to Spanish available

All Sunday events will be free for people who has an ID expeded in the Bolívar Department. You must request their courtesy tickets at the box office of the Hay Festival (CCCI) showing your ID, between 22 and 28 of January.

This event has taken place
Eliane Brum, William Neuman and Cristina Vollmer de Burelli in conversation with Sergio Dahbar

Event 76

Salvador Rueda in conversation with Juan Lozano

Ecological urban development

 Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española (patio)
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Head of the Barcelona Agency for Urban Ecology since its creation in 2000, Salvador Rueda (Spain) promotes urban projects that take the environment into account. With studies in Biology, Psychology, Environmental Engineering and Energy Management, he was an EU urban environment expert between 1994 and 2000. In conversation with Juan Lozano, he will go into detail about strategic, habitable and sustainable urban models.

All Sunday events will be free for people who has an ID expeded in the Bolívar Department. You must request their courtesy tickets at the box office of the Hay Festival (CCCI) showing your ID, between 22 and 28 of January.

This event has taken place
Salvador Rueda in conversation with Juan Lozano

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Fontur Colombia
Colombia el Pais de la Belleza