Hay Festival Arequipa 2023 – Family

Hay Festival Arequipa 2023 was held November 9-12, with 109 activities with 145 guests from 15 countries. We will offer 17 talks and workshops for students at the Hay Joven programme and 7 events for children at Hay Festivalito.

Hay Forum Moquegua took place on 8 November with four activities on education and current affairs.

Events are available at Hay Festival Anytime.

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Event 82

Monologue by Mariela Noles Cotito

Recuerdos de octubre

Casa Tristán del Pozo - Fundación BBVA
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Recuerdos de octubre is a single-act solo performance that explores the complexities of inter-generational relationships among women of the same family. It is about the violence experienced in the body of the protagonist with respect to her mother and her grandmother, and the hope and the despair that her relationship with her daughter causes her. Throughout this process, she herself questions the need to mother her internal child and forget the past or overcome it. María Beatriz, the main character, is a single woman, and yet is all of us. The dramatist Mariela Noles Cotito (Peru) is a lecturer in the Department of Social and Political Sciences at the University of the Pacific and a researcher into matters of human rights, interculturality, gender equality and public policies related to social inclusion.

At the end of the monologue there will be a Q&A with Mariela Noles Cotito.

This event has taken place
Monologue by Mariela Noles Cotito

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Partner for Latin America


Principal Sponsors

Fundación BBVA Continental

Government Partner

Arequipa Gobierno Regional

Institutional Partner

Ford Foundation