Hay Festival Arequipa 2023 – Education

Hay Festival Arequipa 2023 was held November 9-12, with 109 activities with 145 guests from 15 countries. We will offer 17 talks and workshops for students at the Hay Joven programme and 7 events for children at Hay Festivalito.

Hay Forum Moquegua took place on 8 November with four activities on education and current affairs.

Events are available at Hay Festival Anytime.

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Event M1

Lecture by Elisa Guerra

Tribe of giants

Auditorio del Centro Cultural Santo Domingo
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Starting with one of the stories from her book, Las voces de los árboles, the educator Elisa Guerra will talk to teenagers about matters such as climate change, migration and resilience, culminating with an active exchange of ideas, based on the question What is the fire that affects you? Elisa Guerra (Mexico) has a Master’s in Education from Harvard University. In 2015 she was named Best Educator in the Latin American and Caribbean region by the Inter-American Development Bank, and was a member of the UNESCO Futures of Education’s International Commission.

Ages 13 and over
Free event until full capacity is reached
Lecture by Elisa Guerra

Event M4

Patricia Salas and Maritza Ramírez in conversation

Education and inclusion

Casa Quellaveco
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Two major figures from the world of Peruvian education will talk about the subject. Patricia Salas (Peru) is a sociologist and expert in matters related to social development; she has a doctorate in Social Sciences from the Universidad Católica de Santa María and has been both Chair of the National Council of Education and Peruvian Minister of Education. Maritza Ramírez (Peru) is a dedicated Kukama activist who works to revitalise the language, as well as on the promotion of bilingual and intercultural education in Peru through documenting the Kukama language, developing educational materials and creating teaching spaces. Her work has been recognised nationally and internationally for its significant impact on the promotion of inclusive education that respects cultural diversity.

Evento gratuito hasta completar aforo

Event M5

Lecture by Nelson Vallejo-Gómez

The poison of post-truth

Auditorio del Centro Cultural Santo Domingo
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The cultural melting pot of traditional and modern knowledge, with all its experimentation, innovation and emergence, which we call “culture and education”, is experiencing a major paradigmatic mutation: the Internet. From this algorithmic network an old bias is arising once again as a planet-wide cognitive challenge: the “hydra of post-truth”. Nelson Vallejo-Gómez is a French-Colombian philosopher who specialises in the paradigm of complexity based on the magnum opus by Edgar Morin, Method. He has been Secretary General of the Association for Complex Thought (APC-France) and of the Scientific Council for National Education (CSEN-France). He is also the Chair of the Council of Honour in Social Science and the Humanities of the University of Caldas (Manizales, Colombia), Scientific Director of PREFALC-FMSH and Inspector General of Education and Research in France.
Evento gratuito hasta completar aforo
Lecture by Nelson Vallejo-Gómez

Event 16

Serge Barbet in conversation with Nelson Vallejo-Gómez

Education, information and citizenship

Centro Cultural Peruano Norteamericano (teatro)
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The education/information/citizenship triad is key for strengthening enlightened democracy. This event will involve sharing experiences of the French educational system in terms of education, teaching tools and continuous training on the subject for teachers, particularly including the topics of news, a critical spirit and civic values. With Serge Barbet (France-Argentina), a journalist who specialises in education and, since 2018, Director of the French Centre for Education on the Media and Information, in conversation with the French-Colombian philosopher Nelson Vallejo-Gómez.

Price: S/10.00 (PEN)
Serge Barbet in conversation with Nelson Vallejo-Gómez

Event HFC3

Lecture by Elisa Guerra

School in the era of Artificial Intelligence

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Since the arrival of Large Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT, the entire planet is thinking about it, and the questions are starting to pile up: will our brains be replaced by technology? What are the possibilities and the risks? Elisa Guerra, educator, author of the book La Enseñanza en la Cuarta Revolución Industrial, and former member of the UNESCO Futures of Education’s International Commission, will talk to secondary students in order to try to answer a big question: can school survive the invasion of artificial intelligence?
Event for students of COAR Arequipa
Lecture by Elisa Guerra

Event 23

Patricia Salas and Maritza Ramírez in conversation with Jorge Bedregal la Vera

Education and inclusion

Teatro Colegio de Abogados
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Two major figures from the world of Peruvian education will talk to Jorge Bedregal la Vera about the importance of education in strengthening social and community fabrics. Patricia Salas (Peru) is a sociologist and expert in matters related to social development; she has a doctorate in Social Sciences from the Universidad Católica de Santa María and has been both Chair of the National Council of Education and Peruvian Minister of Education. Maritza Ramírez (Peru) is a dedicated Kukama activist who works to revitalise the language, as well as on the promotion of bilingual and intercultural education in Peru through documenting the Kukama language, developing educational materials and creating teaching spaces. Her work has been recognised nationally and internationally for its significant impact on the promotion of inclusive education that respects cultural diversity.

Price: S/10.00 (PEN)
Patricia Salas and Maritza Ramírez in conversation with Jorge Bedregal la Vera

Event 72

Cecile Blouin, Lucero Condori and Dina Moncada in conversation with Natalia Sobrevilla Perea

We are migrants: testimonies from literature and art

Teatro Colegio de Abogados
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Based on the work of the three guests, who will talk to Natalia Sobrevilla Perea, this event will look at how culture facilitates the understanding of complex phenomena such as migration, paying particular attention to the situation of women migrants. It will also look at how culture contributes significantly to integration, as a key vehicle for social cohesion and mutual understanding among diverse communities in the city of Arequipa. The knowledge and experiences shared by these authors will enable a profound reflection on these matters, underlining the crucial role of culture in the construction of inclusive and resilient communities. With Cecile Blouin (France), Lucero Condori (Peru) and Diana Moncada (Venezuela).

Price: S/10.00 (PEN)
Cecile Blouin, Lucero Condori and Dina Moncada in conversation with Natalia Sobrevilla Perea

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Fundación BBVA Continental

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Arequipa Gobierno Regional