Hay Festival Arequipa 2023 was held November 9-12, with 109 activities with 145 guests from 15 countries. We will offer 17 talks and workshops for students at the Hay Joven programme and 7 events for children at Hay Festivalito.
Hay Forum Moquegua took place on 8 November with four activities on education and current affairs.
Events are available at Hay Festival Anytime.
The girls and boys of the Hogar de Cristo home bring their special energy to the opening of the Hay Festivalito, sharing what they have learned at their dance, music, reading and games workshops. This will be an artistic presentation that invites the audience to participate in a musical performance, created by the performers themselves. With a little imagination, household objects become musical instruments. At the Hogar de Cristo home, the main theme for 2024 is respecting and protecting Mother Earth and all the workshops aim to deal with this very urgent matter. Hogar de Cristo has become involved in the Arequipa initiative “One tree, one life” in order that children understand, in greater depth over time, the significance of and need to protect, water and plant, in every sense of the terms. Music, song and dance are the food of the soul and we invite audiences to enjoy the classic Andean folk of the Hogar de Cristo, El árbol de la queñua es vida.
No figure has had more impact on Peruvian popular culture than Lorenzo Palacios Quispe, known as “Chacalón”. A musical idol, hero of the working class, saint and prophet of the dispossessed, his memory has attained legendary stature in a country constantly struggling against despair and injustice. Papá Huayco is a novel portraying the life of Chacalón through a range of voices that speak through a poetic register and the language of the street, telling a story which is also that of so many thousands of Peruvians, who came to Lima in the last half of the 20th century. Alfredo Villar is a curator, art historian, music researcher, writer and DJ, and he has recently published the widest-ranging study carried out into Peruvian Cumbia: Yawar chicha: los ríos profundos de la música tropical peruana. In conversation with Karen Bernedo.
Las palabras de Chabuca is a publication from the Biblioteca Abraham Valdelomar press, which brings together, for the first time, all the journalism content available related to the great Peruvian composer, creating an autobiographical profile with her own words, in a way that has never been done before. The book was first published in September 2020 to mark a century since her birth. That first edition had 14 interviews given by Isabel “Chabuca” Granda y Larco between 1959 and 1982 in countries such as Mexico, Venezuela, Argentina, Chile, Spain and Peru. This second edition has over 130 texts, mainly interviews, some given in Brazil and Colombia, as well as news stories, cuttings of her presentations, and posthumous homage paid after her death in March 1983. Her daughter, Teresa Fuller, Chair of the Chabuca Granda Cultural Association, will talk to the book’s editor, Alberto Rincón Effio.