Hay Festival Cartagena 2024

Hay Festival Cartagena de Indias 2024 was held from 25 to 28 January. In this page you can find the events in the general programme as well as Hay Joven activities for university audiences, Hay Comunitario sessions which took place in different areas of Cartagena, Reading Clubs and Talento Editorial.

Events video and audio is available on Hay Festival Anytime.

Event 10

Weildler Guerra, María Negroni and Ricardo Villafañe in conversation with Javier Cajiao

​​20 questions: science and nature

 Palacio de la Proclamación (Auditorio Juan José Nieto)
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In 2025, the Hay Festival celebrates 20 years of conversations and thought in Colombia. To mark the anniversary, we have run a collaborative project in which Colombian society has helped us to put the twenty key questions for our time. This panel invites us to reflect on the vital nature of the sciences, nature and the future of research based on the questions: How can we guarantee the rights of animals and plants? Can science meet the demand for meat and fish with protein created in a laboratory? How can science tackle the problems of mental health and prolong our life expectancy? How can extensive farming by made compatible with protecting biodiversity in Colombia? With Weildler Guerra (Colombia), María Negroni (Argentina), Ricardo Villafañe (Colombia) and Javier Cajiao (Colombia).

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Weildler Guerra, María Negroni and Ricardo Villafañe in conversation with Javier Cajiao

Event HFJ4

Juan Gabriel Leiva and Ingrid Silva in conversation with Laura Puello

 Universidad de Cartagena, Claustro de San Agustín (Biblioteca)
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Since 2014, the university press of the Technological University of Bolivar (UTB) has been working on a book collection called Semilla, whose goal is to boost a love of reading and literature among young people and adults in the UTB. To create the collection, the press has carefully selected major works from different genres and authors of world literature. At this event, Juan Gabriel Leiva (Editorial Coordinator at the UTB) and Ingrid Silva (Humanities Coordinator) will talk about this reading promotion initiative and the first ten years of a publishing project that makes books available for free. In conversation with Laura Puello.
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Juan Gabriel Leiva and Ingrid Silva in conversation with Laura Puello

Event HFJ5

María Hesse in conversation with Lissette Urquijo

 Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar (sede Manga)
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When María Hesse finished her studies in Special Education, she took up her pens to work as a professional illustrator. She has worked on text books for the Edelvives publishing company, and her latest publication is El Miedo. In this book, she faces up to her own fears, those that have accompanied her throughout her life and the same ones that she shares with so many other women. Through a highly visual and allegorical language, her pages bring to life anxiety, manipulation, precariousness, change, loneliness, madness, maternity, aging and death. In conversation with Lissette Urquijo.
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María Hesse in conversation with Lissette Urquijo

Event 11

Ava DuVernay and Suraj Yengde in conversation with Aurora Vergara

Caste and origin

 Centro de Convenciones (Auditorio Getsemaní)
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Aurora Vergara will lead a conversation on the origins of racism, from the caste system in India to the recent history of the United States. With Ava DuVernay (United States), film director and creator of the film Origin, nominated for an Academy Award, it tells of the tragedy and triumph of the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, Isabel Wilkerson, author of the book Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents. In her film, DuVernay relates racism in the United States to the caste system in India and the persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany. Suraj Yengde (India) lawyer of International Human Rights, professor at Harvard University, and author of Caste Matters, he is also one of the most important young intellectuals in India; he will share his research on the caste system in his home country with us.

Simultaneous interpretation from English to Spanish available

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Ava DuVernay and Suraj Yengde in conversation with Aurora Vergara

Event 12

Mariano Sigman in conversation with the José Carlos Cueto

 Centro de Convenciones (Salón Barahona)
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Mariano Sigman is an Argentinean neuroscientist who studied Physics at the University of Buenos Aires, has a PhD in Neuroscience from the Rockefeller University, and did post-doctoral studies in Cognitive Sciences at the Collège de France. Founder and Director of the Integrative Neuroscience Laboratory at Buenos Aires University, he has been recognised with international awards including the Career Development Award and the Scholar Award. His new book, Artificial: la nueva inteligencia y el contorno de lo humano (2023), co-written with Santiago Bilinkis, explores the impact of artificial intelligence in our lives. He discusses the potential benefits as well as the challenges, and analyses how this technology can transform our reality. In conversation with José Carlos Cueto.
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Mariano Sigman in conversation with the José Carlos Cueto

Event 13

Juan Gabriel Vásquez in conversation with Leila Guerriero

 Teatro Adolfo Mejía
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The award-winning Juan Gabriel Vásquez (Colombia) is a fiction writer, essayist and author of 18 books; the translator of Victor Hugo, Joseph Conrad and E. M. Forster, his own work has been translated into thirty languages. Here, Vásquez presents his most recent book, Los nombres de Feliza, in which the author reconstructs the life of Feliza Bursztyn, a Colombian sculptor, born in Bogota into a Jewish family. The rise of the Nazi Party meant her parents had to leave Europe, while violence in Colombia sent her into exile. A friend of García Márquez, Saturnino Ramírez and Luis Caballero, she challenged the social expectations that her time sought to impose on her. Vásquez talks about his new work, a rigorous investigation crafted into a novel, with Leila Guerriero.
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Juan Gabriel Vásquez in conversation with Leila Guerriero

Event 14

Melba Escobar in conversation with Gioconda Belli

 Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española (patio)
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The magazine Cuadernos hispanoamericanos encourages knowledge and exchange between writers of different generations and nationalities, united by a single language and a literary tradition enriched by authors of different origins. This event features Melba Escobar (Colombia), a columnist and writer, author of books such as the non-fiction Cuando éramos felices pero no lo sabíamos, and the novel La casa de la belleza, and her recent Las huérfanas, a portrait of Myriam de Nogales, her mother. Melba Escobar talks to Gioconda Belli about this novel, which delves into her family past and deals with the questions of origins, the creation of a female identity, and the place of the dead, who never die in the minds of the living.

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Melba Escobar in conversation with Gioconda Belli

Event 15

Charlotte Higgins in conversation with Jonathan Levi

 Palacio de la Proclamación (Auditorio Juan José Nieto)
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Charlotte Higgins (United Kingdom) is the chief culture writer for The Guardian. In her book Greek Myths: A New Retelling, she explores the myths of Heracles, Theseus, and Perseus, the Trojan War—its origins and consequences—and tales from Thebes, Argos, and Athens. The book is composed of stories of extremes that deeply resonate with our times: mysterious diseases devastating cities, environmental disasters that destroy lives, and women enduring violence at the hands of men. In this new and thrilling interpretation by Charlotte Higgins, female characters take center stage, with Athena, Helen, Circe, Penelope, and others weaving stories in imagined elaborate tapestries. In conversation with Jonathan Levi.

With simultaneous interpretation from English to Spanish

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Charlotte Higgins in conversation with Jonathan Levi

Event 12B

Claudia Mosquera Rosero-Labbé, Emiro Santos and Silvia Valero in conversation with Cindy Herrera

Manuel Zapata Olivella: a man of two worlds

 Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española (Salón Mutis)
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La maraca embrujada por Jibaná, a novel by Manuel Zapata Olivella, published in 2023 by the University of Cartagena, explores the conflict between scientific medicine and the ancestral knowledge of Afro-descendant and Indigenous communities in Colombia during the early 20th century. Set in Condoto, a town on the Pacific coast, it narrates the story of a young doctor attempting to impose Western medicine as the sole legitimate knowledge, encountering various forms of resistance and negotiation from the local inhabitants. The study of the novel’s manuscripts and the reconstruction of its writing process have been carried out by Silvia Valero and Emiro Santos García, researchers and professors at the University of Cartagena, and published as Manuel Zapata Olivella: hacia una medicina nacional en el Pacífico colombiano. Estudios críticos y edición genética de ‘La maraca embrujada por jibaná (2023). Claudia Mosquera Rosero-Labbé, Colombia's ambassador to Senegal and advocate of epistemic pluralism, academics Silvia Valero and Emiro Santos will engage in a discussion with Cindy Herrera about Zapata Olivella's legacy.
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Claudia Mosquera Rosero-Labbé, Emiro Santos and Silvia Valero in conversation with Cindy Herrera

Event 16A

Juan Carlos Coronel in concert (General)

 Centro de Convenciones (Explanada)
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The Cartagena singer, composer, and producer Juan Carlos Coronel presents a very special concert in his city—an event that is also a tribute to the Black people who turned a cry of pain and protest into art as a form of resistance. On these indelible traces and scars, which exist as a legacy, this artistic proposal rises, filled with many rhythms and nuances, rooted in the ancestral sounds of the traditional cumbia from the mangroves and salty shores of Cartagena. Here, in the veneration of joy and the reclaiming of stolen humanity through rhythm, it was born.
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Juan Carlos Coronel in concert (General)

Event 16B

Juan Carlos Coronel in concert (Platea)

 Centro de Convenciones (Explanada)
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The Cartagena singer, composer, and producer Juan Carlos Coronel presents a very special concert in his city—an event that is also a tribute to the Black people who turned a cry of pain and protest into art as a form of resistance. On these indelible traces and scars, which exist as a legacy, this artistic proposal rises, filled with many rhythms and nuances, rooted in the ancestral sounds of the traditional cumbia from the mangroves and salty shores of Cartagena. Here, in the veneration of joy and the reclaiming of stolen humanity through rhythm, it was born.
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Juan Carlos Coronel in concert (Platea)

Event HFC8

Performance-based reading from the Semilla collection

 Turbana, Biblioteca Pública Clementina Flórez
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Since 2014, the university press of the Technological University of Bolivar (UTB) has been creating a book collection called Semilla, whose goal is to cultivate a love of reading and literature among young people and adults in the UTB community. For the collection, the press has carefully selected major works from different genres and authors of world literature. At this event, Graciela Franco and Federico Ochoa, lecturers in Humanities, and Julián Navarro, Deacon of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, will present a performance involving a reading of The Diaries of Adam and Eve by Mark Twain, with musical accompaniment.
Ages 14 to 17
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Performance-based reading from the Semilla collection

Event CL1

Juan Gómez-Jurado in conversation with Clara Elvira Ospina

 Casa Hay (Centro de Convenciones)
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At its book clubs, Hay Festival Cartagena offers intimate encounters with a selection of festival guests. These are spaces to talk in greater depth about recent work by some of the festival’s participants. At this event, Juan Gómez-Jurado (Spain) will talk to Clara Elvira Ospina about his book Todo muere, the last part of his trilogy Todo arde from the narrative universe of the acclaimed Reina Roja series, and a long-awaited ending to one of the most read and loved contemporary sagas in the Spanish language.

Those attending must have read the book

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Juan Gómez-Jurado in conversation with Clara Elvira Ospina

Event HFC9

Javier Cajiao

The secrets of the birds

 Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española (Biblioteca)
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After travelling and working in the Amazon region, the Colombian biologist Javier Cajiao dedicated his life to teaching, researching and writing books. With his Guía secreta de aves, the author invites us to discover more about the world of these mysterious animals, creatures that fascinate us with their song and their colours, which surround us both in the countryside and the city, and which can teach us so much about the world.
Ages 12 and over
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Javier Cajiao

Event HFC12

Maricruz Rivera Clemente in conversation with Rosmery Armenteros

 Colegio Politécnico El Pozón
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Maricruz Rivera Clemente (Puerto Rico) is an environmental and anti-racist activist, with a doctorate in Social Work from the University of Puerto Rico. Founder and director of Corporación Piñones se Integra COPI, a project that promotes culture, sustainable development and the creation of educational opportunities for Afro-descendent communities in Loaiza (Puerto Rico). She is also the co-founder of Corredor Afro, a project that promotes black aesthetics from Piñones-Loíza to the world. This specialist in matters linked to inequality, resistance, racism and poverty will talk to Rosmery Armenteros.
Students grades 10 and 11
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Maricruz Rivera Clemente in conversation with Rosmery Armenteros

Event 17

Charlotte Higgins, Pablo Montoya and John Sellars in conversation with Toni Celia

Lessons from the classical world

 Centro de Convenciones (Auditorio Getsemaní)
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Four experts on the classical world will talk to Toni Celia about the lessons we can take from that period, so far off in time, but so influential for Western culture, and whose echoes can still be heard in our legal systems, the philosophical tradition, and in the sciences and arts. Charlotte Higgins (United Kingdom), Chief Culture Writer at The Guardian, is the author of Greek Myths. A New Retelling, about the influence of ancient Greece on our times; Pablo Montoya (Colombia) is the author of Marco Aurelio y los límites del imperio which portrays the last of the five “good emperors” of Rome; and with John Sellars (United Kingdom), philosopher and the author of books such as Lessons in Stoicism, Epicurus and the Art of Happiness and now Aristotle: Understanding the World’s Greatest Philosopher.

John Sellars will participate in this event digitally

Simultaneous interpretation from English to Spanish available

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Charlotte Higgins, Pablo Montoya and John Sellars in conversation with Toni Celia

Event 18

Greg Clark in conversation with Ángel Cárdenas

The challenges of cities

 Centro de Convenciones (Salón Barahona)
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Greg Clark (United Kingdom) is one of the foremost international experts on urban development and globalisation. Author of many books and over 100 reports on cities, investment, innovation and leadership, Clark has worked on the challenges facing cities, and the strategies involved in their sustainability, evolution and prosperity. Global Cities: A Short History analyses the concept of the global city since antiquity, including classic metropolis such as Athens and Rome, as well as the epicentres of our globalised world such as New York, London and Singapore, while also touching on themes such as the economy, war, migration and technology. In conversation with Ángel Cárdenas, CAF Urban Development, Water and Creative Economies Manager.

Greg Clark will participate in this event digitally.

Simultaneous interpretation from English to Spanish available

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Greg Clark in conversation with Ángel Cárdenas

Event 19

Gioconda Belli in conversation with Ana Cristina Restrepo

Literature and resistance

 Teatro Adolfo Mejía
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The acclaimed Nicaraguan poet and novelist Gioconda Belli is also known for her commitment to her country’s political and social struggle. Her works explore matters such as feminism, love and revolution, combining a poetic sensibility with the denunciation of injustice. Belli participated actively in the Sandinista movement, in which women held a central place as agents of change and resistance. She has won numerous awards, including the 1978 Casa de las Américas Prize, the Biblioteca Breve Prize in 2008 and the Premio Reina Sofía de Poesía Iberoamericana in 2023. Her most famous works are The Inhabited Woman (1994) and El país de las mujeres (2010). Her latest book is Un silencio lleno de murmullos, a story about absence, silence and family links. In conversation with Ana Cristina Restrepo.
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Gioconda Belli in conversation with Ana Cristina Restrepo

Event 20

Virginia Mendoza in conversation with Olimpia Palmar

A biography of water

 Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española (patio)
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Something that has strongly characterised the evolution of our species and our societies is our relationship with water. In La sed. Una historia antropológica (y personal) de la vida en tierras de agua escasa, its author takes us on a fascinating journey through time and space, inviting us to reflect on our link with water. The journalist and anthropologist, Virginia Mendoza (Spain), is the author of books that explore roots, as well as their lack. Winner of the Manuel Iradier Award for Communication in 2019 for her contribution to the La Exploradora Geographical Society, she will talk about her most recent book with Olimpia Palmar.
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Virginia Mendoza in conversation with Olimpia Palmar

Event HFC10

Mary Grueso

 Corporación Ruleli
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Mary Grueso is a poet, oral storyteller, writer, activist, teacher and one of the most prominent voices of the Colombian Pacific. Agüela, se fue la nuna is a book about a child who wants to understand what has happened to the moon; his wise agüela offers to help, and together they go on an adventure in which they discover not only the secrets of our moon, but also about Tumaco, its games, everyday life, and knowledge.
Ages 7 and over
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Mary Grueso

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Distrito de Cartagena de Indias, Secretaria de Turismo, IPCC Cartagena de Indias
Gobernacion de Bolivar
Funded by UK Government
Comercio, Industria y Turismo
Fontur Colombia